Holiday Recap...
Happy (belated) Holidays all! I hope you all had a memorable time with those you loved.
Our trip to California, Taipei, and the Philippines was definitely enjoyable. I got great trinkets and what not while there too. I will also have pictures posted (God bless the inventor of the digital camera)...
BUT even beyond that...
My new years resolution:
1. To keep up with my Random -umm... reads? journals? no... posts... My new years resolution is to keep up my Random posts. There are times a plenty when I thought of something during the year of 2006 where I thought, "Hmm, I'll have to keep this in mind for when I do my blog." And then I would procrastinate and end up with like 10 different topics to choose from and not doing ANY of the above.
2. Keep in better touch with friends and family who used to be near and are now far and those who stayed in the Philippines. I mean there are some people who I only get to see for 1 day every 2 years or so... definitely not enough time.
3. I always have this resolution... and for the most part I really do try... but to stop procrastinating... sigh... I always think I'll do it tomorrow... ok... I'll do it later... and then I end up just screwing myself over in the process of not getting what I needed done, done. Like for example, I had this rebate form that I had all filled out and junk and I kept telling myself I'd send it later. I told myself before my trip I'd send it while I was in California, then while in California I said I'd send it overseas while in Taipei or the Philippines. Yeah well the silly thing never got sent. Sigh.
Good to hear that you're back safe and sound! Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!
Glad you're back. Hope you enjoyed the food while you were over there, since you seemed to be looking forward to it so much.
On the procrastination note: didn't you promise us some wedding pictures a while ago?
hey hey... i did say that i lied about putting up the wedding pictures... i posted that somewhere out there...
but i will get to it... just not now... lol i do have an excuse tho! my mother in law is in the house as we speak... sigh...
:) i'll do better lol...
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