The Doctors Lie...
The doctors lie when they say it's only 9 months...
It's not 9 months...
It's actually 10 months...
And morning sickness doesn't seem to be coming in the morning... but more like early late afternoon/early evening...
And yeah... I am pregnant. :) Just found out 20 minutes ago...
...and I almost fell in the freakin' toilet.
Labels: announcement, me, pregnancy
OMG! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! That is pretty huge! May God bless you in the next 9 (or 10...) months. :)
That's wonderful, and may you have great joy in the pregnancy and the baby!
Congrats, and good luck. I hope the pregnancy goes smoothly with minimal sickness and satisfiable cravings. I've heard of women who have cravings to eat sand and brown paper, among other things. Hope that doesn't happen to you.
Hahaha... no no... my cravings don't run towards the unusual. Thankfully :)...
And thanks all...
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